Saturday, 5 March 2016

Massive Book Unhaul : Book Unhaul #1

It's time for a long overdue book purge.
The other day I found out that we have a used book store in town, and that they will give you store credit when you donate books. To me, that's a win-win situation. I get rid of books I'm not all that fond of, books that have long overstayed their welcome on my shelves, and I get credit to get new-to-me books that I might enjoy a lot more; and this bookstore acquires more books, and these books are sent to good home with someone who will enjoy their company.
(Also, this bookstore has cats. CATS. Hundreds of books + cats is basically my personal heaven.)
Now, the books. The books included are:

  1. Night World Vol.1 by L.J. Smith. This is a bind up of three paranormal stories (I don't know if they're novellas or short stories, honestly). I got this as a gift right around when I read Twilight the first time, I was probably around 14-15. I enjoyed them at the time I read them, but I don't think I would enjoy them as much now.
  2. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. This book. This book hated me and I hated it back. I read this book when I was about 16, and I went into this book knowing almost nothing about it. I had read somewhere once that it was good and that it was paranormal, which is what I was really into at the time. I was a dumb teenager, I had no idea this was a zombie book. I hated zombies, I still kind of do. But not only was it a godforsaken zombie novel, it was a zombie novel with the dullest protagonist I had ever read. Reading this book was literally torture for me, and I'm glad to see this one go.
  3. Hush Hush & Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick. I bought Hush Hush back in 2012 and didn't pick it up right away. So when I saw the sequel Crescendo for really cheap I grabbed it. This was back before I was using the internet and things like Goodreads like I use them now. It was a paranormal YA romance, like Twilight, and I had only seen good reviews. I hated these books. There was nothing I liked, I can't even remember details anymore, I've suppressed them. This book caused my fallout with YA paranormal romance, I still don't pick up that genre anymore because it's burned me too many times.
  4. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard. I bought these books when I was 16 years old. I own the first 5 (as seen above), but I've read the first 7 or 8 books. I can't quite remember. I really liked the first couple of books when I read them originally, I remember tearing through these books in a couple of weeks. But now there's just too many books in the series that I'm never going to read, and I'll never read the ones I have again. So why keep them?
  5. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. This is a second copy of New Moon that I'm not even sure how it ended up on my shelf. I'm keeping my original copy, I just don't see the point in having two. Especially since this is the movie tie-in edition and I really don't like cover.
  6. Paranormalcy by Keirsten White. I bought this book at the same time I bought Hush Hush. You could say that this book also contributed to my distrust of YA paranormal in general. I didn't like this book, I cant' even remember what this book was about and I don't care about it enough to look it up. 
  7. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. This was a post- Hunger Games purchase for me. I was obsessed with YA dystopian and this was one of the highly recommended, everyone loves it type books. Lets just say I didn't love it. I wanted to, I wanted to enjoy it. But I didn't like it all. 
  8. I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. I literally bought this book because I saw the movie and I assumed I would like it. I didn't, I don't even think I actually finished it. 
  9.  This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel. I don't even know why I bought this book. All I know is it's got something to do with Frankenstein and I got about 40 pages into it. It's been on my shelf for 4 or 5 years now and I know I will never pick it up to read it.
  10. The F-It List by Julie Halpern. This is a recent purchase. I bought this a couple months ago based on someone's recommendation. The person in question told me this book was great and I absolutely had to read it. This book was juvenile, and a perfect example of YA contemporary gone wrong. I got about 5 pages in when I put it down and thought thank God I didn't pay full price for this. I couldn't even tell you what this is about.
  11. Splendor by Anna Godberson. This is the fourth and final book in the Luxe series by Anna Godberson. I had borrowed the first 3 books from the library and really enjoyed them, but they didn't have the fourth book, so when I saw the book in store for $2 I grabbed it so I could finish the series. I liked this series, but not enough to go back a purchase the first three. So I don't see the point in keeping the fourth book on my shelf anymore.
  12. Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. I bought this book for like, $2. It was confusing, and I'll never re-read it. It wasn't bad, just not my thing. I just can't see myself ever continuing on with this series.
So those are the books I'm getting rid of, a grand total of 17. This is a much needed purge and will be clearing up a lot of space on my shelf for new books. Leave a comment below if you've read any of these books, I would love to see other opinions on these. Also, what do you do with the books you don't like? (Do you keep them, donate them, or give them to friends/family, etc.)

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