Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Top Five Wednesday : Books You're Intimidated By (#T5W April 20th)

Hello Book-Lovers!

It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another Top Five Wednesday.

Top Five Wednesday was created by Lainey at gingerreadslainey, but is now hosted by Sam at Thoughts on Tomes. There's a link for the Goodreads group here if you want to join.

This week's topic is books you're intimidated by, which is pretty self-explanatory. I find books can be intimidating for a lot of different reasons (size, series length, hype, etc.). So, let's get to it.

5. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

I keep eyeing this book every time I go to the bookstore, but I never pick it up. Why? Because it's a six book series (with four books currently out), and that's a lot of books to commit to. I do think this is a series I will pick up though.

4. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

I've been sitting on this series for a while now, and I've heard very mixed reviews. Which has just put me off reading it a little. I'm just worried about investing my time into this (slightly bulky) trilogy if I might not love it.

3. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

This series seems to be a very well-loved series, and I've basically avoided reading it because I'm worried it won't live up to the hype. (Also, four book series. Lots of books to commit to.)

2. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

I picked up this book and it's sequel, The Mime Order, from Book Outlet knowing nothing about it. And then I looked it up on Goodreads and apparently it's going to be a seven book series. And they're fairly large books. (I just have commitment issues when it comes to series longer than three books).

1. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This is my number one because I'm mostly afraid that I won't like it. I loved The Grisha Trilogy (and this is set in the same world), and I've heard nothing but good things about this book, but I just haven't picked it up yet. I want to, I'm sure I'll love it. I'm just avoiding it in the off-chance that I won't.

Well, that's my Top Five Wednesday this week. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you next time with my next post.

Happy Reading!

Morgyn @morgyngillis


  1. heh, that's a good list I have 3 of them on m TBR too and I only recently listened to Raven boys

    check out my list if you want: https://maginibooks.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/top-5-wednesday-books-youre-intimidated-by/

  2. I have wanted to read The Raven Boys for the longest time, but I have been scared about all this hype also!! Loved this T5W :)
    Your blog is amazing!

  3. I just picked up the Mime Order yesterday. I loved Bone Season! I'm afraid to read Mime Order without knowing when the next one is going to come out.

    Danica @ A Redheaded Bookworm

  4. I didn't enjoy The Bone Season at all. I'm not going to continue on with it, unfortunately.

  5. I am totally with you on The Bone Season! I heard great things about it, and then I saw it for really cheap so I bought it, then - like you - looked it up on Goodreads, and well... it's still sat unread on my bookshelf, I think I am going to wait until there is at least a few more books out in the series so if it is an amazing book I am not waiting 5 years to finish it.

    - Hills of Books

  6. I am so bad when it comes to books that are part of a series! If I don't get to the first book right away, then time passes, and more books are released and then it's a big undertaking! There are a lot of series that I really DO want to read though. I just tend to like the shorter ones. haha

